Jabulani, Jo-bulani und ein WM-Ball - Fritten, Fussball & Bier
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Fritten, Fussball & Bier / int. Meisterschaften  / Jabulani, Jo-bulani und ein WM-Ball

Jabulani, Jo-bulani und ein WM-Ball

Die Weltmeisterschaft in Südafrika kann natürlich nicht ohne Bälle stattfinden. Fast schon traditionsgemäß kommen diese von einer deutschen Firma namens Adidas und werden wie immer auch marketingmäßig groß eingeführt. Diesesmal wurden sogar zwei Bälle vorgestellt, der Jabulani und der Jo-bulani und was es mit diesen Bällen so auf sich hat, habe ich mir mal genauer angeschaut.

Fangen wir mal an mit dem Jabulani. Dieser Ball ist von der Vorrunde bis zum Halbfinale im Einsatz und somit eigentlich das zentrale Spielgerät in Südafrika. Nur im Finale darf er nicht auf das Spielfeld, dazu aber später mehr. Interessant ist erst mal der Name. Woher kommt das Wort Jabulani und was bedeutet es. Also das Wort Jabulani ist aus der Sprache des Volksstammes der Zulu entnommen worden und bedeutet soviel wie „feiern“ oder „zelebrieren“. Das passt natürlich sehr zum Motto des Turniers „Ke Nako. Celebrate Africa’s Humanity“ (dt. „Es ist Zeit. Feiert Afrikas Menschlichkeit“) und soll auch wieder eine Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen-Stimmung zum Ausdruck bringen. Der Ball selber trägt auf seiner Außenhaut 11 verschiedene Farben. Diese Farben symbolisieren verschiedene Dinge wie die 11 offizielle Sprachen des Landes Südafrika, 11 Spieler und 11 südafrikanische Gemeinden. Welch ein Glück für die Designer, dass die Zahl 11 in Südafrika allgegenwärtig ist. Durch die Anordnung der Farben in vier triangelförmigen Elemente soll die Vielfalt und die Harmonie Afrikas verkörpert werden. Aha, danke für diese Interpretation, darauf wäre ich alleine nicht gekommen. Nun gut, gehen wir jetzt mal eine Schicht tiefer in den Ball rein und sehen uns ein paar technische Details an. Die Oberfläche des Balles besteht aus einer sogeannten „Grip’n’Groove“-Struktur, was laut Hersteller ein besonders stabiles Flugverhalten und einen perfekten Grip unter allen Bedingungen erlauben soll. Der Ball ist durch acht thermische und kugelförmig gerundete Platten verklebt und soll dadurch angeblich sehr rund sein. Zu diesen Details bekommt ihr von mir hier jetzt aber nur ein nichtssagendes Aah zu hören, denn eigentlich würde uns ja interessieren, wie sich der Ball spielt? Dazu hat nach dem ersten Spiel mit dem neuen Ball unser aller Liebling Mario Gomez vom FC Bayern München seine Meinung kundgetan…

Der Ball ist definitiv anders als sein Vorgänger. (Mario Gomez, nachdem er das erste Tor mit dem neuen WM-Ball überhaupt erzielt hat)

Aha…er ist also anders! Und was ist jetzt mit dem Finalball Jo’bulani? Was ist jetzt bei dem so anders, dass der in der Vorrunde nicht zum Einsatz kommen kann aber jetzt im Finale schon? Mh, technisch gesehen eigentlich nichts, aber…

Beim Finale am 11. Juli 2010 in Johannesburg wird der WM-Ball Jabulani aber nicht mehr zum Einsatz kommen. Für das Endspiel hat Adidas extra einen eigenen Ball angefertigt, der sich aber nur in Äußerlichkeiten und in er Namensgebung von seinem Bruder Jabulani unterscheiden wird. Im Finale wird mit dem goldenen Ball „Jo’bulani“ gespielt, der seine elf Farben dann verloren haben wird und dafür fast nur noch die Farbe Gold besitzen wird. Wenn ihr euch jetzt wundert was der Name Jo’bulani bedeuten soll, dann kann ich euch hier auch ein wenig Aufklärungsarbeit leisten. Der Namen setzt sich aus seinem Brudermodell Jabulani und dem Namen der Finalstadt, Johannesburg zusammen. Auch hier ist natürlich wieder viel Symbolik enthalten, denn Johannesburg bedeutet in der Sprache der Zulu die goldene Stadt. (Johannesburg, auch eGoli (isiZulu, „die goldene Stelle“)=

Jabulani und Jo’bulani ist nunmehr schon der elfte WM-Ball aus dem Hause Adidas und wenn ihr nun glaubt, dass mit der Zahl ELF eine Verschwörung im Gange ist, dann stehe ich voll und ganz auf eurer Seite. 11 Spieler spielen im Finale am 11. Juli 2010 gegen anderen 11 Spieler und das mit einem Ball der aus 11 Farben besteht und 11 Spieler, 11 Sprache und 11 Gemeinden darstellen soll. Würde mich jetzt nicht wundern, wenn das Finale am Ende 11:11 ausgehen würde…


Servus, ich bin der Frittenmeister. Den Blog habe ich 2006 nach der WM in Deutschland gegründet, einfach weil ich meiner Leidenschaft, dem Fussball, mehr Zeit widmen wollte. Und was ist da besser dazu geeignet als ein Blog, wo man immer viel Hintergründe recherchieren muss. Passt perfekt oder? Verein: SV Wacker Burghausen

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    The gluteus medius sits above the maximus on the outer shelf of the pelvis.

    The gluteus minimus, meanwhile, is the smallest of the three butt muscle tissue.
    Like the glute bridge, the single-leg glute
    bridge is an train that requires no equipment, however on this variation, you’re employed
    one leg at a time. This makes the train considerably tougher and in addition challenges your stabilizing
    glute muscle tissue, such as the gluteus minimus and medius.
    The single-leg Romanian deadlift provides a nice way to coach your glute muscular tissues with
    out using heavy weight. This may be useful in a rehabilitation phase or
    when doing leg workouts at house.
    As An Alternative, we’ll lay out the greatest possible workouts to
    construct up the most powerful muscle group in your body.
    Housyshell additionally utilizes a weight bench and a small platform for a couple of exercises,
    but you can always use a step or chair as a substitute.
    Stepping onto a high floor didn’t feel very secure to me at eight months
    pregnant, so I elected to swap the step-ups for break up squats.

    Lunges are an effective way to build your booty, however should you
    add weights it provides further work for your upper leg
    muscles and glutes. Deadlifts are a superb selection for building the glutes because they have interaction a quantity of muscle teams, together with the glutes, hamstrings, and again. Whether Or Not you utilize conventional
    deadlifts or Romanian deadlifts, each are highly efficient in activating the glutes.

    You can even regulate the peak of the floor you are utilizing relying on what
    muscle tissue you are attempting to work. I
    advocate to most individuals a better box for
    the posterior chain and a decrease box to focus on the quads extra.
    It is the epitome of fitness dedication, not just for its looks but also for a way you feel and transfer.

    It Is beneficial to offer your muscle tissue time to recuperate for optimum
    development, which might imply a great coaching quantity for glute-specific coaching could be each
    different day or two-to-three times every week.
    And to correctly activate the glute muscle tissue, that requires a totally completely different set of butt workouts.
    That means each part of the muscle group – gluteus maximus, gluteus medius,
    and gluteus minimus – is activated equally and effectively.

    In addition to your glutes, the curtsy lunge additionally
    recruits your quadriceps, calves, and hip adductors. If you’re out there for resistance bands,
    explore which possibility may be finest for you. Whereas lunges are an excellent move for the
    glutes and thighs, you may need to avoid the move if it aggravates any
    knee problems. Relaxation and recovery are equally essential, including getting enough
    sleep and scheduling relaxation days for muscle repair.
    Unfortunately, there is not any single golden butt exercise, but there are a number of that stand out as
    being the simplest. And like some other muscle, you need to prepare it well and
    train it usually to maintain that stage of activation. On the floor, position your self
    on all fours, then extend one leg fully behind you and carry it up towards the ceiling.

    At All Times seek the guidance of with a certified healthcare professional prior to starting any food plan or train program or taking any dietary supplement.
    The content material on our web site is for informational and educational functions solely
    and isn’t meant as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.
    You do not want tools for a lot of glute work, so
    it is easy to superset glutes with hamstrings in a health club without hogging lots of equipment.
    Whether that is sitting down at a desk at work or enjoyable at home, being on this
    place for therefore lengthy can lead to weak and relaxed glutes.

    „Another example, if you’re using bands, try utilizing cable machines; or if you’re utilizing machines, attempt free weights such as barbells, dumbbells or kettlebells,“ she says.
    If you’re having a hard time preserving your legs
    from coming forward, you’ll be able to lean towards a wall
    and have your prime leg slide to appropriate any slanting of your physique
    which may occur. Keep reading for a science-backed upper butt
    exercise that may depart you stronger, extra balanced, and yes—perkier.
    If you’ve been following any of the SET FOR SET applications,
    you in all probability have already got great buns
    as we program all of these exercises into our exercise routines.

    The glutes‘ main position is helping to drive the
    hips forward to extend the hip joint when flexed.
    There’s a reason back squats are the #1 glute
    workout on our list — they provide a killer burn for the butt muscular tissues in a way that can’t be replaced by any other weighted train. If you’re
    on a mission to add dimension and energy to your glutes,
    hip thrusts can get you there with consistency and
    proper form. Nonetheless, most people find them too easy to be effective or
    lean back to make pumping out a lot of reps in time to music extra manageable.
    Focusing On gluteus minimus and medius, utilizing a mini
    band and a wall eliminates each of these issues to make clamshells
    rather more challenging and productive.
    Always begin with low weight and work your method up as
    you excellent your kind and acquire power. Rounding
    it throughout deadlifts puts you at risk of injuring your again. A
    correct warm-up is important for any workout, however especially
    for these that are working large muscle teams such because the glutes.
    Sturdy glutes assist you to maintain a good balance in any exercise, from running to walking or even simply standing.
    Even these with a busy schedule can incorporate these workouts on a
    weekly basis to improve their total health and fitness.
    The most important variable when you’re growing muscular tissues is getting
    right into a caloric surplus. This simply means eating more calories
    than you burn, leading to the necessity to retailer your excess calories.

    When I step right into a fitness center, one of the frequent mistakes I see is the
    neglect of the glutes. This train includes getting
    on all fours and lifting one leg up behind you whereas maintaining your knee bent.
    This exercise involves lunging with one leg whereas placing the other foot on a raised
    surface behind your body, corresponding to a bench or box.
    This train involves stepping backward with one foot, lowering down into a lunge
    position, and then driving again up to a standing position.
    This is the final suggestion for any muscle because it capitalizes on the muscle restoration process.
    After a workout, it takes 2-3 days for your muscle to totally recuperate.

    To grow, your muscular tissues want to break down from stress after which get well.

    The lunge will target each the quads and glutes, as both knee and hip involvement is required.
    This doesn’t imply however, we cannot improve the bias towards one or the other.
    If you lunge forward and then drive the bottom away back to your starting position, this will be more quads.
    Because the knee is having to do the majority of the work
    to increase the knee and drive your self back up. For the
    best results in glute muscle development, add an additional,
    glute-intensive workout day. Sprinting is a
    strong exercise that requires unimaginable strength.
    Introducing sprinting, which is also referred to as „fartlek coaching,“ into your routine might help build up your glute
    In our testing, sensors had been placed on different glute areas, providing information on muscle engagement during various actions.
    The results were eye opening and allowed us to pinpoint
    the best finest glute workout routines for glute activation. Electromyography (EMG)
    testing is a method that measures muscle activation.
    Plus, targeted glute exercises assist you to keep injury-free – making you higher able to take up impression and
    lowering the possibilities of back pain and knee problems [2].
    Although you could think of it merely as padding for sitting, your
    butt does a lot more than cushion your bones. Your glute muscle tissue present help in your
    entire frame and having a powerful derriere lets you stand, walk, and
    sit comfortably. If you’re nonetheless attempting to learn to activate your glutes correctly, I’d say
    start your decrease physique exercises with workouts just like the Toe Down (Stab) Hip Lift and Stability Ball Hip Drop and Carry.

    The hip thrust is a prime quality train to focus on the glute max,
    and introducing a band lets you target the glute medius and minimus too.
    As you push out against the band, you’ll call upon the facet glutes to contract to externally rotate the hips.
    This pushing against the band throughout the range
    of movement will get the aspect glutes on fireplace, serving to to advertise side glute growth.
    Some of the most effective exercises to coach the higher glutes additionally
    work different muscle tissue in the lower physique, together with the quadriceps and hamstrings.

    Clamshells and fire hydrants are two excellent glute isolation workouts that can be accomplished with bodyweight or with added
    resistance. We suggest including a band to those workout routines to work the muscles extra to build energy and muscle.
    We grouped these workout routines together as they give consideration to external hip rotation and are nice
    for isolating the glutes.
    The split squat could be the last unilateral exercise to coach the glutes
    while working the medius and minimus a bit more durable. Maintain two dumbbells as an alternative of a barbell for a loading
    apparatus, or use a belt squat setup if available.
    The first is hip extension, with the leg pulling right
    down to propel the body up. Throughout the step-up, lifting one leg high onto a
    field creates a huge vary of motion. Due To This Fact, pulling the body up and forward to get the opposite leg to
    the field becomes an enormous problem. We’re going to eliminate all the qualifiers, corresponding
    to greatest dumbbell glute workout routines or body weight glute workout routines.

    Using a stronger resistance band will increase the challenge of this train. Maintain dumbbells
    in both arms or a weighted barbell across your shoulders to make this exercise more difficult.
    45-degree hyperextensions are an exceptional method to zero in on your glutes, giving them
    the eye they deserve. This train is performed on a specialized
    bench, angled at 45 degrees, to help your thighs and permit your torso
    to drop down after which rise. At its core, the Good Morning has a motion pattern harking again to the Romanian deadlift.
    As An Alternative of holding the load in front of you,
    you’ll place it throughout your upper again. This shift creates a extra in depth moment arm, upping the challenge.

    If gym-based coaching is more your velocity, that is the workout for
    you! It includes many of the workout routines outlined above with set, rep, and
    restoration suggestions to make sure you work your glutes onerous sufficient to realize the desired results.
    Doing any of the exercises listed above will assist strengthen your glutes.

    You can vary the lunge by performing them with dumbbells instead of a barbell,
    and you can even do strolling lunges if your fitness center is sufficiently big
    for it. These problems can spell serious bother for elements of the body past your
    butt, including back ache and knee soreness. But sculpting your backside doesn’t need to be a strictly aesthetic
    pursuit. The fact is, our glute muscle tissue do rather
    more than just make us look good in yoga pants. They assist us
    preserve correct posture and engage in activities like operating, leaping, and
    With consistent weight-training exercises designed to construct muscle, you will see important improvement in the measurement of your glutes.
    However bulking up your derriere takes extra than just doing supersets of lunges, squats and deadlifts.
    A Lot like the aforementioned machine hip abduction train, this exercise
    targets the hip abductors and more importantly, the gluteus medius and gluteus
    minimus of the higher buttocks. As A Outcome Of dynamic movement is getting
    used, this may even enhance total stability and stability whereas also partaking the core.

    Nevertheless, the exact workouts, repetitions, frequency, and resistance will be tailor-made to your unique state of affairs.
    People with sedentary life, who sit a lot during work or are usually inactive, can also develop weak and painful gluteus medius.
    To improve the problem of this train, contemplate putting a looped resistance band around your upper thighs.

    Subsequent, lifters ought to place their hands on the barbell with an overhand grip with the palms
    dealing with downward or in supination. The knees must be barely
    bent to lower the hips when grasping the bar, and the back
    ought to be straight. Rest assured, incorporating squat and deadlift routine on the identical day is perfectly acceptable in workout packages.


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    24. März 2025 at 09:13

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